Product Description
Christopher Dresser / Benham & Froud Rare Aesthetic Movement Copper coffee pot 1888
BENHAM & FROUD London, England
Coffee pot 1888
Copper, brass, wood handle and finial
***One of only two known models of this Dresser / Benham & Froud coffee pot.
Marks: maker’s cipher, Reg. no. 114566 for 1888
Only other model known illustrated: Christopher Dresser, by Widar Halén (Oxford: Phaidon, 1990), illus. 192, p. 170 (variant model); Truth, Beauty, Power: Dr. Christopher Dresser 1834-1904, exhib. cat. Historical Design, Inc. (New York, 1998) p. 66.
H: 9″ x D: 7 3/8″
Christopher Dresser / Benham & Froud Rare Aesthetic Movement Copper coffee pot 1888
JOHN GUTMANN (1905-1998) USA
D.O.S. Apology 1938
Signed: 290.6, M 3 (in a circle), 5, © John Gutmann, SP, D.O.S. Apology 1938 (all in pencil on back of photo)
Framed size: H: 12 1/8“ x W: 14 3/8”
John Gutmann was a German-born American photographer and painter. After fleeing Nazi Germany to the United States, Gutmann acquired a job as a photographer for various German magazines. Gutmann quickly took an interest in the American way of life and sought to capture it through the lense of his camera. He especially took an interest in the Jazz music scene. Gutmann is recognized for his unique “worm’s-eye view” camera angle. He enjoyed taking photos of ordinary things and making them seem special.His work was shown in important galleries such as Castelli’s in NYC, Fraenkel in San Francisco, and the Centre National de la Photographie in Paris. After his death, Gutmann’s oeuvre was given to the Center for Creative Photography at the University of Arizona.