Product Description
American “Retro” scroll brooch in 18K gold set with emerald cut golden yellow and madeira citrines, c. 1940
American “Retro” scroll brooch in 18K gold set with emerald cut golden yellow and madeira citrines, c. 1940
MICHAEL POWOLNY (1871-1954) Austria
Vase c. 1912
White glazed pottery with black striped division and four black glazed ball feet
Marks: GK (in a square) 289, D/3
For more information see: Michael Powolny: Keramik und Glas aus Wien 1900 bis 1950, Elisabeth Frottier (Vienna: Böhlau Verlag, 1990); Wiener Keramik, Historismus, Jugendstil, Art Déco, Waltraud Neuwirth (Braunschweig: Klinkhardt & Biermann, 1974).
H: 6 1/8″
Price: $3,850