Product Description
Enrico Serafini, (1913-1968) Italy “Cupid Orchestra” charm bracelet, 18k gold finely detailed cupid figures playing a variety of musical instruments in platinum all on a solid 18k gold link bracelet, touchmark,c.1950
Enrico Serafini, (1913-1968) Italy “Cupid Orchestra” charm bracelet, 18k gold finely detailed cupid figures playing a variety of musical instruments in platinum all on a solid 18k gold link bracelet, touchmark,c.1950
JOSEF HOFFMANN (1870-1956) Austria
Game table with four drawers c. 1913
Oak, leather top with gold tooled detail
Made by Johann Jonasch (Kunsttischler)
Illustrated: Vienna 1900-1930, Art in the Home,
exhib. cat. Historical Design, Inc. (New York, 1996), p. 60-1.
Matching dining table illustrated in: Österreichische Werkkultur,
Max Eisler (Wien: Kunstverlag Anton Schroll & Co., 1916) p. 97.
Related tables by Hoffmann illustrated: Deutsche Kunst und Dekoration, April-September 1914, p. 140-4; Deutsche Kunst und Dekoration, April September 1916, pp. 199-200; Deutsche Kunst und Dekoration, Oct.-March 1917, p. 207-8; Möbel des Jugendstils: Sammlung des Österreichischen Museums für angewandte Kunst, Vera J. Behal (Munich: Prestel-Verlag, 1981), pp. 143-5; Josef Hoffmann e la Wiener Werkstätte, Daniele Baroni and Antonio D’Auria (Milan: Electa Editrice, 1981). pp 124-125.
H: 31” x W: 27 3/4” x D: 27 3/4”
Price: $35,000