Product Description
WMF Jugendstil Art Nouveau “Four Seasons” Jewelry box c. 1900
WMF [Württembergische Metallwarenfabrik] Germany
“Four Seasons” Art Nouveau Jewelry box c. 1900
Silver plate with Jugendstil design buttress handles and open work handle with a frieze of Art Nouveau maidens representing the four seasons, velvet lined with two original keys.
Marks: WMF mark, I/O (in a box), E
For more information see: WMF: Glas, Keramik, Metall, 1925-1950, Jörg Schwandt (Berlin: Kunstgewerbemuseum, Staatliches Museum Preussischer Kulturbesitz, 1981); Metallkunst, Band IV (Berlin: Brohan-Preussischer Kulturbesitz, 1981) pp. 546-579.
H: 7 1/2″ x W: 17″ x D: 5 1/2″
Price: $3,500
WMF Jugendstil Art Nouveau “Four Seasons” Jewelry box c. 1900
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EDUARD STELLMACHER (designer) Turn-Teplitz, Austria
AMPHORA ART POTTERY Turn-Teplitz, Austria
Ewer c. 1900
Glazed porcelain
Marks: RStK MADE IN AUSTRIA Turn-Teplitz Bohemia, AMPHORA (in oval), 16, 531
For more information see: Deutsche Kunst und Dekoration, ( March 1901) pp. 346-349; Sammlung Bröhan: Kunsthandwerk, Glas, Holz, Keramik, Vol. 1 Band II (Berlin: Bröhan Museum, 1976), pp. 284-293.
H: 9″ x W: 7 1/2″ x D: 7″
PAUL FOLLOT Paris, France
Art Nouveau waist clasp c.1900
Gilt silver with chased whiplash design set with 19 cabochons of chrysoprase.
Marks: P. FOLLOT, French swan mark (silver standard mark for small objects)
Illustrated: Documents sur l’Art Industriel au XXe Siecle (Paris: Edition de la Moderne) p. 20, plate 5, n. 53-11
PAUL FOLLOT (1877-1941) French
In the Late 1890’s, Follot studied under graphic designer Eugène Grasset at the Ecole Normale d’Enseignement du Dessin in Paris and later succeeded Grasset in that post. From 1901 to 1904, he designed metalwork, jewelry and textiles for La Maison Moderne, art critic Julius Meier-Graefe’s gallery in Paris. He became director of the interior design studio Pomone of the Paris department store Le Bon Marché in 1923, introducing the Art Deco style into many middle-class home.
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