Product Description
Karl Koepping (attr.) / Grossherzogliche Sächsische Fachschule, Germany Tall Pair of Liquor glasses c. 1900
KARL KOEPPING attr. (1848-1914) Germany
Tall Pair of Liquor glasses c. 1900
Blown golden yellow glass
H: 8 1/2″
Karl Koepping (attr.) / Grossherzogliche Sächsische Fachschule, Germany Tall Pair of Liquor glasses c. 1900
EDMOND LACHENAL (1855-1930) Paris, France
Green glazed pitcher / vase form c. 1900
Marks: E LACHENAL (impressed and glazed in a rectangle on base)
For information on Edmond Lachenal see:”Edmond Lachenal”, Fritz Minkus, Kunst und Kunsthandwerk, IV (1901) pp.390-98; La Céramique Art Nouveau, Edgar Pelichet and Michèle Duperrex (Lausanne: Les Éditions du Grand-Pont, Switzerland, 1976) pp. 66,71,74,78,83,112,115; “l’Atelier Lachenal à la galerie Georges Petit “ in Les Echoes d’Art” (1933), p. Vll; Art Nouveau: Belgium & France, exh. cat. Yvonne Brunhammer et al. (Houston, TX: Institute for the the Arts, Rice University, 1976), p. 48; Le Japonisme (Paris: Éditions de la Réunion des Musées Nationaux, 1988) cat no. 377, p. 321; Japonisme: the Japanese influence on western art in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Siegfried Wichmann (Parklane: New York, 1980) pp. 339, 349; cat. no. 920.
H: 9″ x W: 6 3/4″